Aristocrats must maintain control over government while deciding whether to support the working or middle classes, the old world or the new. Craftsmen/inventors decide what type of new machines to build.

Middle-class entrepreneurs decide how best to run their businesses to maximize profits and how to treat their workers. Hand weavers and spinsters have to choose between violently resisting the new technology, joining factories, forming unions, or gaining political rights. Characters from various classes of society must take action to improve their lives. They use new economic theories, parliamentary commissions, and news reports to debate the pros and cons of factories, the role of the government in the economy, taxation, workers’ unions, and the extension of political rights down the social order. Players are faced with different choices about how to live and prosper at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.

How should we respond? Do we resist or embrace this new technology? Rage Against the Machine explores a very similar situation in the past - in Manchester, England in 18. Human workers are being replaced by automation. “Robots will take our jobs!” So announced a recent news article.