
Download Pixia 6.61h
Download Pixia 6.61h

Pixia (x86) is a Freeware software in the category Graphics Applications developed by Isao Maruoka. The program supports multiple layers, transparency effects, standard file formats and a number of RGB file formats including. Besides the primary Japanese interface, it is also available in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Polish, Korean and German. It was originally designed for the anime/manga community but has also been used in other branches of art. Pixia is a freeware bitmap graphics editor program for Windows, created by Isao Maruoka. Printers made to use for Microsoft Windows.Pixia is a freeware bitmap graphics editor program for Windows, created by Isao Maruoka. Peripheral devices applicable: TWAIN32 devices.Number of Layers: As many as memory lasts.Maximum graphic size: 10240 x 10240 dots (Note: this depends on RAM capacity.).

download Pixia 6.61h

Pixia is a painting tool made exclusively for full color graphics.To get better tips for using Pixia, visit users' tutorials linked from the Tutorial page. Pixia Help File is available as a separate installation file. There's also a brush size label that displays the brush dimensions for more-precise editing.

download Pixia 6.61h

One feature I definitely appreciated as I was drawing was how quickly I can adjust brush size simply by dragging the brush preview windows. Small buttons labelled as P, C, O, L are actually expandable windows for Palette, Color, Pen, and Layer settings. Pixia uses pop-ups to configure items like filters and masks.

download Pixia 6.61h

It supports mask, layer and many other editing functions. Pixia is the English version of a popular Japanese painting and retouching software for full color graphics. The original Japanese Edition was created and developed by the author, Isao Maruoka, but has also been aggressively raised by its fans, which makes this software to be quite unique and different from other tools. A brother of Pixia: Phierha is introduced! (Windows 7 Compatible)

Download Pixia 6.61h